8 Ways To Spice Things Up When You Have Kids

5 min readMay 11, 2023

With some of these great strategies, you can continue spicing things up with your partner even after you have kids. Your sex life could just be better than ever!

8 Ways To Spice Things Up When You Have Kids

When you have kids, your sex life can change immensely. Suddenly, it’s harder to find time to slip away. When you have young children, you’re often exhausted at the end of the day, making it harder to set aside time for one another.

Sound all too familiar?

Here’s the good news: the arrival of kids — or their growth into the toddler or elementary school years, when they’re more demanding than an infant who at least sleeps somewhat predictable hours — doesn’t have to spell the end of your sex life. In fact, with some of these great strategies, you can continue spicing things up with your partner. Your sex life could just be better than ever!

1. Set aside specific time for date nights

For some couples, this means setting a specific number of dates they “have” to get in: a date night each month, for example. Make date nights a priority in your relationship. Some of those date nights could spell sex: go away with your partner for an evening or even rent a hotel room for a few…

