How to Gift Your Significant Other a Vibrator
A vibrator is an incredible gift to give someone you’re in an intimate relationship with. After all, it shows that you care about their sexual health and enjoyment in the bedroom.
Unfortunately, it’s also possible to gift a vibrator in a way that offends the other person: suggesting, perhaps, that they aren’t good enough in the bedroom, or perhaps offering a gift that your partner has no interest in at all.
Do you want to gift a vibrator to that special someone in your life — and have it be a much-appreciated gift, not one that gets tossed back in the box and never used, or, worse, one that drives a wedge between you? Don’t worry — these strategies will help.
1. Talk to your partner about sex. A lot.
Talk dirty to your partner. Talk about your desires. Talk about your fantasies. When the lines of sexual communication are open, it’s often much easier to choose a gift that your partner will appreciate — and to explain why you chose it. Get comfortable talking about sex with your partner. Discuss your likes and dislikes. Not only will this give you a better idea of what your partner likes in bed, but it will also give you the ability to choose a vibrator that will meet their needs.
If you think your partner may be offended by the gift of a vibrator — or you know your partner just isn’t into sex toys — it may not be a good idea to give this particular gift. Instead, you might choose to pick one out together, or to forego purchasing a vibrator for the time being. You want any sex-related gift you give to be an exciting one, not one that’s going to end with your partner being upset!
2. Choose a vibrator with your partner in mind.
There are a lot of vibrator options on the market. Some of them are intended for his use, others for hers, and some can be used by either partner. More importantly, some of them will fit your specific sexual desires and fantasies, while others will be a better fit for your partner’s.
It’s fine to pick a vibrator with yourself in mind and introduce it to the bedroom. You can tell your partner, “I’d love it if we could use this together,” or, “I can’t wait to try this on you.” If you’re choosing a vibrator as a gift, however, make sure you choose one with your partner in mind.
Discuss vibrators with your partner ahead of time. Ask what they’re interested in. Poco, for example, is a bullet vibrator: a smaller, more easily concealed vibrator that can be used almost anywhere. You can even include it with the included app whether you’re in the bedroom or out in public. Tenuto is designed to provide stimulation to the male perineum, but can also be worn during sex to deliver extra pleasure to both partners. Crescendo is a fully adaptable, bendable vibrator that can deliver varying levels of stimulation to her or him — and can also be used during intercourse.
There are many different options available on the market, and choosing one that clearly has your partner in mind is the best way to ensure that the gift is well-received. When in doubt, discuss it with your partner ahead of time.
3. Choose your timing with care.
If you’re gifting a vibrator to your partner, it should be an intimate experience, one shared just between the two of you. This is not a gift that should be opened at a restaurant, shared during a gift exchange with friends and loved ones, or opened in front of the kids. Even if your partner is comfortable with their sexuality, they may not want to share that particular gift with anyone but you. Choosing the wrong time can definitely put a damper on the gift.
Instead, choose a time when you can be alone. Take your partner back into the bedroom or wait until the house is empty or everyone else is asleep. Make giving the gift as intimate as its gift. This could be an excellent time to practice talking dirty — or, if you choose your timing properly, an excellent time to make use of the vibrator together.
If you’re in a long-distance relationship, make sure you prepare your partner for the gift before you send it. Don’t just send it out of the blue. Instead, take the time to talk about it a little ahead of time, so that your partner isn’t negatively surprised by its arrival.
4. Do a little research before giving the gift.
If you want to be able to make the most of your vibrator gift, do a little research before giving it to your partner. Learn how to use the vibrator properly. If you purchase a MysteryVibe vibrator, you might want to go ahead and download the app and get familiar with it, as well as checking out our playbook, which might offer a few more ideas and positions that you’ll want to try. You don’t have to be an expert on vibrator use, but you may want to get to know the vibrator a little better before you gift it — and have a few ideas of what you’d like to do with it first.
Once you gift the vibrator, you and your partner can also do a little extra research together. Flip through the playbook again together, highlighting some of your favorite ideas and positions for your partner. You may be surprised by what a turn-on it is just to discuss what you might do with the vibrator together. As you explore and become more engaged, you may find that it enhances intimacy and brings you closer than ever.
5. Create the right atmosphere.
If you’re giving a vibrator to your partner, you aren’t just giving any gift, and you want to make sure that you set the right tone. An intimate, romantic atmosphere is perfect for exchanging a gift like a vibrator. Dim the lights. Drink a little wine, if you often drink together. Create a sexy mood with scents that arouse and entice your partner (jasmine and vanilla are popular choices). If you’re going out to dinner shortly before or after giving your gift, choose a light meal together that will leave both of you ready for a little frisky time beneath the sheets later.
Simply creating the right atmosphere can make a big difference in how your partner receives the gift. You want it to be a sexy, romantic choice, not something that feels forced or uncomfortable. Lean in close. Let your eyes show that special sparkle of anticipation. Then, share the gift with your partner and wait for their response.
6. When in doubt, choose a vibrator that offers options.
Tenuto, Crescendo, and Poco all offer a range of options in their vibration patterns and intensities, making them the perfect choice for a partner when you don’t know what they might like (or, potentially, when they don’t even know what they like). Many vibrators on the market offer only a couple of levels of stimulation, not to mention little advice about how to actually use them.
By choosing a vibrator that offers plenty of options, you and your partner can experiment together to discover what both of you really enjoy. Some women, for example, may need stronger vibrations in order to reach orgasm, while others may find them overwhelming. With the MysteryVibe line, you can tantalize, tickle, tease, and stimulate in just the right way for your partner, ultimately creating the perfect experience no matter what your partner likes best.
7. Be ready to practice and experiment together.
Sometimes, even when you research ahead of time and think you have a great idea of exactly what you want to do with your new vibrator purchase, you may discover that it’s more complicated than you think. You might, for example, choose one of Crescendo’s pre-programmed vibration patterns, only to discover that it has her frustratingly hovering on the edge of orgasm, unable to get the full stimulation she needs to finish — or you might find that he doesn’t care for intense stimulation while wearing Tenuto, while she prefers it as high as possible. Be prepared to practice and experiment together. You may need to try out different positions and intensities. Explore your new vibrator just like you would explore any sex toy. What you and your partner enjoy most together may surprise you, and you may just discover new ways to bring each other’s pleasure to new heights.
Giving your partner a vibrator is a great way to increase their pleasure and provide an intimate gift that could enhance your sexual play. If you’re going to give that gift, however, make sure you do it correctly — and choose a quality vibrator that will deliver exactly the experience your partner deserves.
Originally published at