Lube 101: What You Really Need to Know About Personal Lubricants

7 min readJan 28, 2020


Personal lubricants in the bedroom offer a number of exciting opportunities. Not only can they increase your sexual opportunities ( Anal sex without lubricant, for example, can be incredibly uncomfortable, but delightful with lubricant!), they can also offer a wide range of sensations that enhance your sexual play both alone and with a partner. As many as 65.5% of women and 70% of men have already used a commercial lubricant. Before you jump in and get started with personal lubricant, however, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how it works and what you need.

Who Benefits from Lubricant?

Anyone can benefit from a little lubrication, whether you’re enjoying a solo pleasure session or having sex with your partner. Lubricant reduces friction and creates a smoother, more pleasurable sensation. This, in turn, can add a great deal of enjoyment to the sexual experience. While most women produce natural lubrication when aroused, they won’t necessarily always produce as much lubrication as they need. Several factors can contribute to vaginal dryness, making lube more necessary. These can include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Illness
  • Menopause
  • Taking certain medications, including hormonal birth control
  • Dehydration
  • Breastfeeding

If you or your partner struggle with dryness, exploring different types of lube is a great way to improve the overall quality of your sex life. But even if you aren’t struggling with vaginal dryness, you may still find that lubricant offers a number of benefits. Lubricant can smooth the path of a vibrator or make anal sex easier and more comfortable — not to mention extending the longevity of some of those amazing sack sessions. Don’t treat lubricant as though it’s the solution to a problem. Instead, treat it as an enhancement to your sex life — and enjoy all the benefits it can bring along with it.

Types of Lubricant

Personal lube comes in a variety of different forms, each adding something unique to the experience. Before making your purchase, make sure you know what type of lubricant you’re considering and what it can bring to the experience, as well as what lubricants you may want to avoid.

Water-Based Lubricants

Water-based lubricants are one of the most popular choices for lubrication. They’re safe, effective, and can add a great deal of fun to your sex sessions, either solo or with a partner. Water-based lubricants are safe for anal play, vaginal play, and for use with sex toys, including vibrators like the Crescendo. Water-based lubricants add to smoother sexual play and are less likely to cause irritation when you’re done: the ideal combination. They’re also the preferred lubricant for condoms, since they won’t damage the condom and potentially cause it to break.

Silicone-Based Lubricants

For longer sex sessions — either solo or with a partner — many people prefer silicone-based lubricants to water-based. Silicone lasts longer than water, and it’s more slippery, which means you can get away with using less of it. Even better, it’s ideal for play in the bath, shower, or pool, since it doesn’t simply wash away with the water.

Unlike water-based lubricants, however, silicone-based lube does require a little preparation and cleanup. You will need soap and water to get silicone-based lube to clean away, while water-based lubes will easily wipe away. Silicone-based lubricants are also more likely to stain sheets and blankets, so you may want to clear the way before engaging in play — or keep a towel underneath you for easier cleanup. You’ll also need to check the material of your sex toys before using them with silicone-based lubricants, since silicone and plastic can break down over time when exposed to these lubricants. Not only does that make them less smooth and comfortable, it can make your toys impossible to sanitize completely.

Oil-Based Lubricants

Prior to the increased popularity of silicone-based lubricants, many people turned to oil-based lubes to enhance sexual play — especially solo play. Oil is more slippery than water-based lube, and it often lasts longer and with less re-application. Many people prefer to use oils for sensual massages and other foreplay, especially since it creates a smoother touch.

Unfortunately, oil-based lube comes with several serious disadvantages:

  • It can increase the risk of yeast infection when used for vaginal penetration
  • It can break down the latex in condoms, increasing the likelihood that they will break
  • It causes a higher percentage of allergic reactions than water or silicone-based lube

Choosing the Right Lubricant for You and Your Partner

If you’re ready to introduce lube into the bedroom, you want to make sure you’re getting a great product that will help enhance the entire experience for both of you. Using the right lubricant, however, is critical to the entire process. Follow some of these tips to better choose the right lubricant for your needs.

Step one: Think about what you’ll be using lubricant for.

Many women, especially those who are prone to yeast infections, may prefer water or silicone-based lubrication. Oil-based lubricants can increase the risk of yeast infections and lead to itching and discomfort. They may also cause sex toys, especially plastic toys, to break down faster, leading to cracks that can make them unsafe for use over time. If you’ll be using your lube for sex toy play, make sure it’s indicated for use with sex toys. Engaging in a longer sex session? You may find that you prefer silicone-based lubricants, which don’t have to be applied as often.

Don’t forget about your application needs as well as how you’ll be using the lubricant during play. Some lubricants come in easy-to-use tubes and sprays, making them easier to apply without breaking into the moment.

Step two: Consider yourself and your partner.

Do you have skin sensitivities? What about allergies to specific substances, like fragrances? Before choosing a personal lubricant, make sure you know what you and your partner can easily tolerate. Women may need to use either water or silicone-based lubricants, while men may prefer oil-based lubricants for solo masturbation. Try to avoid using substances that cause irritation or discomfort for your partner unless you’re sure it’s going to be a solo session.

Step three: Experiment on a less-sensitive area.

Are you trying a new lubricant for the first time? Even if you’ve used similar lubes in the past, take the time to try out any new products before you decide to start a full-on sex session with it — whether you’re solo or with a partner. This is particularly important if you’re using a lubricant with a new fragrance or additive. Some people, for example, enjoy the tingling sensation that goes along with mint scents or flavors, while others find it uncomfortable or even liken it to a burning sensation. By trying out your lubricant on a less sensitive area of your skin ahead of time, you can identify any potential sensitivities and ensure that when you are ready for that sex session, you’ll be able to enjoy it fully.

Using Lubricants with Your MysteryVibe Products

MysteryVibe products are made of high-quality, body-safe silicone that conforms comfortably to your body. Using personal lubricants can substantially enhance your experience, whether you’re using the Tenuto or the Crescendo. Keep in mind that, even if mentally aroused and ready to enjoy a solo sex session, women may need a little help with lubrication before using the Crescendo. Without foreplay, women often lack the lubrication necessary to smoothly and comfortably insert even their favorite toys. Follow these easy steps to make the most of your vibrator session:

Choose a water-based lubricant. Because both Tenuto and Crescendo are made of high-quality silicone, water-based lubricant is the best option for decreasing friction and making your experience more enjoyable without causing damage to the product. Keep in mind that artificial scents and additives can increase the risk of dryness or cause allergic reactions that could detract from your experience. Make sure to test your lubricant before you use it.

Apply the lubricant to both your vibrator and to your skin. As you enjoy your vibrator, you may want to use your hands to add stimulation, whether you’re enjoying a solo sex session or spending some time with a partner. Warm the lubricant in your hand first. Spread it all over the vibrator and on your skin — inside and out, if preferred.

Enjoy! Whether you’re settling in for a solo session with your vibrator or planning to spend some quality time with your partner, you’re lubed up and ready to go — and that means it’s time to enjoy!

Reapply as needed. If you engage in a long sex session, either solo or with a partner, you may find that you need to reapply lubrication to create maximum enjoyment throughout the session. If you start to become uncomfortable or notice increasing friction, go ahead and reapply lube as needed so that you can go back to enjoying your vibrator.

Clean your vibrator when you’re done. A little soap and water can keep your vibrator clean and hygienic for your next use. You can also use specialized toy cleaners to ensure that your product is completely clean and ready for you to play again.

Lube is a great way to add to your sexual play. Alone or with a partner, using a vibrator or not, you’ll find that lube can smooth away friction and make a more enjoyable sexual experience for both parties. Looking for more information about MysteryVibe products? Contact us today to learn more or to discuss the best lubricants for use with your vibrators.

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