Vibrators Aren’t Just For Women: Our Top Vibrator Tips For Men

8 min readMar 13, 2023

Many people get the idea that vibrators are primarily for women: a great way for them to ramp up solo pleasure sessions. In reality, adding vibration to the bedroom can be incredible for men, too.

Vibrators Aren’t Just For Women

Many people get the idea that vibrators are primarily for women: a great way for them to ramp up solo pleasure sessions. In reality, adding vibration to the bedroom can be incredible for men, too. If you’re interested in ramping up your pleasure and spicing up your sex life, using a vibrator (including Tenuto, which is designed with men’s bodies in mind, or Crescendo, which can be used by both men and women) is a great way to accomplish it. Not sure where to get started? Try some of these vibrator tips for men:

1. Choose a high-quality vibrator.

tenuto vibrator tips for men

If you’re experimenting with a vibrator for the first time, you may be tempted to choose the sex shop running the best deal or select a vibrator that’s discounted, rather than full price. While that’s a great strategy for saving money…

